Tuesday 18 March 2014

Check it out

Whilst in Tesco’s recently, waiting to buy a bit scran and a bottle of wine for my tea, I was urged by one of the assistants to leave the queue and use one of the self service tills that had just become free. My polite decline generated an unwarranted level of confusion, with the shop assistant unable to fathom why I wouldn’t want to serve myself. Personally I find it mind boggling as to why anyone would voluntarily attempt to use a machine that can make even the most tech savvy nerd feel like a pensioner using an iPad for the first time. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a self service till that doesn’t at some point require you to seek assistance. The lazy bastards will be wanting us to I.D. our selves for booze next.

Secondly it seems absurd that supermarkets have managed to get customers to serve themselves, and in essence perform the work of 2 or 3 would be employees.  Supermarkets aren’t attempting to be helpful or more efficient, but merely increasing their profits further, while at the same time contributing to unemployment, and burdening the public with greater pressures on welfare. Despite the over emphasis and slight exaggeration, you get the point. Every little helps.

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