Wednesday 18 July 2012

Beer Review #1: Super Bock, superstar, gets you more pissed than Stella Artois. – SUPER BOCK

Originating from Porto, Super Bock has been getting the Portuguese pissed since 1927. Racking up an impressive 26 consecutive gold medals in the "Monde Selection de la Qualite", it has become established as Portugal’s favourite lager, and had also become one of my own personal favourites. I first stumbled across this little gem when holidaying across in Albufeira. After spending the majority of the week steering clear of it, partly because it sounded like something like you’d pick up in a South African Netto,  but also because the initial lager of choice was the splendid, and Portuguese sounding, Sagres. However, the lack of Sagres in one bar forced my hand, and Super Bock was given a trial. Every now and then you come across a drink so good that you feel like you can’t get enough of it. Super Bock is one of these.
Drinks will always taste better on holiday. Sitting by the beach gazing out to sea, with the sun beaming down on your back, is bound to make a drink taste better than when you’re back at home sat in a dingy pub on a wet Tuesday night, with some old codger farting in the corner. However, when confronted in one bar without either Super Bock or Sagres, resorting back to the home comfort of a pint of Carling really illustrated how good these Portuguese lagers were. After almost spewing from that first initial taste, it then began to piss it down outside. Maybe that’s why it’s always wet in England, too much Carling.
Weighing in at 5.2%, Super Bock lacks the bitter aftertaste many lagers have, and its mild hoppy flavour hits the spot during those hot summer days.  


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